Sunday, 22 June 2014

Freedom for Her! (Arsh Hashmi)

The unprecedented rise in rapes and molestations against women has destabilized the humanitarian realm present in the society. One of the reasons for this is the gruesome and horrific nature of the crimes committed. We are all aware of the savagery that Nirbhaya faced. But the incidents that happened in Badaun told humanity to shut down the mouth and remain silent. Such horrendous incidents besides being traumatic for the society, poses several question marks on us. Where are we heading? What is making are conscience and scruples so dead? Who are these people who dare to commit such inhuman crimes freely? In which environment are they bred? With these questions in mind a woman is living each and every moment in fear. 

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Not only should we protest against the callous attitude of the police and state administration but we should also try to answer these questions, to look out for the root causes behind such heinous acts, probably with a greater vigor. The more we overlook the root factors, the more will these incidents find their place in the society.These incidents, whether it was the Nirbhaya killing or the Badaun gang rape, have brought much shame and humiliation to our country internationally, though women are given no better treatment in other countries including the so called civilized  western nations.  Even today all over the world, the death toll of women due to physical exploitation, domestic violence, human trafficking, and female infanticide are greater than that due to road accidents or due to diseases like cancer and malaria.

According to a report of United Nations published in 2003, in the last thirty years, 30 million women and children were trafficked for physical exploitation. These reports clearly show that women are not secure even in those nations who claim to be the champions of women’s rightsand freedom. It is surprising to know that women are underrepresented in law making in US and Europe. Women accounts for a mere 18.5% in the US parliament while only 17.6% in Europe. The nations who are vanguard in advocating women’s rights are yet to dispense them. According to a report by Global Fund for Women there are 330 million women who earn less than a dollar a day. Every nation, society and individual is responsible for these shameful truths. This responsibility surely needs an action to follow its rhetoric.

Actually we must emphasize more on ridding ourselves out of our misogynistic and chauvinistic mindset than on raising slogans on the streets. We must emphasize more on eradicating our exploitative attitude that sees women as a commodity to be used than on abusing the slackness of the police administration. We must learn to honor and empower our women. The present government’s decision to give quarter of a share in the cabinet to women is a good move. This should be furthered in other domains too. We hope that there are o more Nirbhaya and badaun cases ahead.  

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 There must be a freedom, an absolute freedom of her.

Arsh Hashmi
( Student , University of Delhi)

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