Friday, 20 June 2014

Crisis Reborn in Iraq: manufauctured and processed by West

Extremists in Iraq have got foothold on major parts of the nation. This anti-democratic crisis may be explained as the result of a sectarian clash  but we should never ignore the catalyzing role of Western powers! An alternate opinion by Vishank Singh

Has anybody heard about Syrian crisis? I am talking about the mayhem that was sponsored by West in Sham (ancient name of Syria). Millions of terrorist organizations were fed with sophisticated arms and arsenal in order to shed the blood on the streets of the nation. The motive was to overthrow the Assad regime which denied dancing on the diktats of Uncle Sam.  “Just go against Assad” was the condition floated by the West for anyone wanting sophisticated weapons. This generous helping hand to the terrorists and extremist groups was under the as usual pretext of “Saving the Democracy”. It was the time when the organizations like Al-Nusra (one of the offshoots of Al-Qaida) were heavily funded by American government in order to play the blood sport on the streets of Syria. One more group that became a prominent client of West was ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). But are we talking about the very same ISIS that is creating mayhem in Iraq these days? Yes, we are doing so.

ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) which was known as ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and Levant) before 2012 is an extremist Sunni terrorist organization which came to the picture as an International non state actor while fighting in Syria. It is known for its brutal methods and ambitions. A point should be made here that this organization was created in Iraq in 2003 when the state was left weak after the intervention of United States. After some time ISIS broke away from its parent group, Al-Qaida. The reason for this split was the inefficient and moderate attitude of Al-Qaida (as blamed by the splitters) which was not acceptable to the radical and extremist ideologues of ISIS. Since those days, ISIS has gained the picture of major political space in Eastern Syria and Western Iraq. Things today where ever they are show us that it was the West (once again) who played a major role in initiating the present day Iraq Crisis.

Fighters of ISIS guarding the check point in the Northern Iraqi city of Mosul
Photo Credits-

We cannot deny that it was the canvas of Global Democracy and Liberty under which the US raided Iraq in 2003. But where is that democracy surviving today when the very same terrorists whom US promoted a year ago are now destabilizing the social and cultural peace in Iraq. With this entire situation prevailing in the International arena we can witness an interesting fact that not only the ISIS is fighting with US arms (that were given to them while they were in Syria) but the Iraqi Soldiers are dependent on them too. The rhetoric of democracy and peace had benefited the capitalists of US who are creating arms to be dispatched to the crisis ridden third world. 

The present crisis in Iraq is the residue of all this greedy intentions of West which resulted in the promotion of such a horrible sectarian divide. Today the extremists of ISIS are on the verge of making their own state in which they could make one more Taliban ruled by the strict laws in accordance with Islam. More than 1/4th of the region of Iraq is now in the hands of these extremist groups who are marching ahead just few kilometers away from Baghdad. With Mosul, the second largest city in their control, ISIS possesses the helicopters and much more sophisticated Western weapons which were granted to Iraqi soldiers. Hoshiyar Zenabi, the foreign minister of Iraq who is demanding an American intervention is aware of the potentials of Iraqi army who is not competent to face the brutal attacks of ISIS
Iraqi Shiite Tribal fighters with weapons and slogans against the ISIS
Photo- Credits-

With the political economy of arms and oil in place, it would be interesting to watch the future developments of the crisis which was manufactured below the banner of democracy. Syria, though not captured like Iraq is still under the threat of extremist violence in the western part of the state. How the Middle-East would cope with this could not be told so easily. We must pray for the lives of millions that are living in Iraq under the shadow of death and violence produced by ISIS and sponsored by West.

About the Writer

Vishank Singh
(Student, University Of Delhi)

Contact- 09654751123

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