Saturday, 5 July 2014

A Nation For Women (Arsh Hashmi)


On 26th May, 2014 when the PM and his cabinet took their oath of office, 6 out of the 23 minister inducted in the cabinet interestingly happened to be women. This accounted for a significant quarter of a share of the cabinet. In addition to the substantial share, these ladies have been given relatively important and powerful portfolios like Ministry of External Affairs, Ministry of Human Resource Development etc. This in no doubt is a commendable move by the government in the direction of empowering our women. But the question which still persists: Whether the presence of these women in the government will usher in any change in the ignominious condition of millions of women in this nation?

Women in the Indian society have been victims of humiliation, torture, exploitation for as long as we have written records of social organization. She is throttled to death for giving birth to a girl, immolated for dowry, exploited by the satanic lusts of men and subjected to countless other savageries. Hearing lewd comments and even enduring lecherous contacts of even her relatives are a matter of routine for her. She faces all the brutalities with none to hear her wail. According to the Delhi Police this year from 1st January to 30th April, an average of 6 and 14 cases of sexual harassment and molestation were registered daily. Compared to the previous year, the increment is of 32%. 

The police claims most of the cases of rapes have been solved with the culprit convicted, the government claims that strict laws have been enacted, statistics say that education and economic independence of women is rising. In-spite of these tall and innumerable claims atrocities against women still multiply alarmingly.

We need a holistic and radical approach to secure our women. Every individual, family, society should take the onus of safeguarding the rights of women instead of passing the buck to the government and police. Every act that breaches women’s security should be incriminated by us. The offender should be convicted by the society even before law. Instead of the victim, he should feel ashamed of facing the society. Families should instill in their children with moral values, ethics, culture and a good social behavior towards women.

The government on their part should begin with taking concrete steps to preserve the rights, honor, and dignity of every woman. This should include scrapping of old and ineffective laws, passing firm and stringent laws, setting up fast track courts to expedite the protracted judicial process, making the police more accountable. Exemplary, quick and deterrent punishments should be meted out to the guilty to develop fear and terror in the minds of everyone who sees women as an object to be used. The government should exercise a degree of control and censorship over the media to curb the commodification of women through the display of voluptuous and vulgar videos. These measures should implemented swiftly and seriously.
 As far as the ladies in the cabinet are concerned, they have a greater responsibility of living up to the expectations of women in this country. Hope with the collective effort of we individuals, they make a better, healthier and secure nation for women.

Arsh Hashmi
( Student , University of Delhi)

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