Sunday, 27 April 2014

कभी कभी खामोश हो जाती है... ( दीक्षा शर्मा )

कभी कभी खामोश हो जाती है
तो कभी लाखों कहानिया सुनती है
कभी हर कदम पर नज़र आती है
तो कभी खो सी जाती है
ज़िन्दगी ...

कभी मनचाही मंजिल पाती है
तो कभी खुद ही मंजिल बनाती है
कभी एक रफ़्तार में चलती जाती है
तो कभी थम सी जाती है

कभी आदर्शों को अपनाती है
कभी खुद आदर्श बन जाती है
कभी नफ़रत की रह अपनाती है
तोह कभी प्यार का आशियाँ बनती है
ज़िन्दगी ...

कभी मुश्किल राहों में उल्ल्झ्ती जाती है
तोह कभी उलझी हुई राहों को सुलझाती है

तेरी मेरी कही-अनकही कहानिया
हर रंग रूप में दिखलाती है

कभी कभी खामोश हो जाती है....

-दीक्षा शर्मा

(महाराजा अग्रसेन कॉलेज,
दिल्ली विश्विद्यालय)

Saturday, 26 April 2014

The Consummated Wed-lock of Defecation and Humanity (R. Laalima)

We gained independence a long time ago but the basic life necessities are still away from the millions in India. Our nation is still under the shadow of underdevelopment which is reflected in the unavailability of proper defecation system. Taking this into account writes R. Laalima  

When I peeped out of the window of the moving train, instead of beautiful scenery I saw people defecating in the open and it triggered a question in my conscience. When our party leaders are struggling to gather support and votes for the upcoming elections, the commoners of our country are struggling for daily basic provisions of sanitation.

Today India is in a pathetic condition by being home for the largest population defecating in open in the world.  According to data released by the national sample survey office (National Sample Survey Organisation) in December 2013, 59.4 per cent of India defecates in open. A very essential need of human is being ignored to such an extent that it has created catastrophic consequences for the people of our country. In a website named India Sanitation Portal a report was published on open defecation which clearly states that around 18 percent of urban India still defecates in open while the percentage of rural India is as high as 69 percent. It also underlines that open defecation leads to deadly diarrhea and other intestinal diseases caused by ill sanitation which kills hundreds of thousands of people worldwide every year. Open defecation is prevalent among all socio-economic groups in rural India though the bottom two wealth quintiles bear the heaviest burden. Children—already vulnerable and marginalized—pay the highest price in respect of their survival and development.

This custom which has been enrooted in the upbringing of small children has not only made them suffer behaviorally but also has catered to health related issues which has caused them dire health diseases as a result of poor sanitation practices. India loses more than 600,000 children under the age of five year due to diarrhea and pneumonia which is almost 30% of global strength.

According to data released by the national sample survey office (National Sample Survey Organisation) in December 2013, 59.4 per cent of India defecates in open
Photo Credits-

It is not only constricted to children but the women are also a major sufferer of this grim situation wherein it is estimated that 1 in 3 women worldwide risk shame, disease, harassment and even attacks because they have no safe access to toilets. As women are usually the caretakers of the house, they stay at home when their relatives fall sick from sanitation related diseases; thereby increasing their risk of contracting these infectious diseases. It was estimated that in India, 23% of girls drop out of school when they reach puberty because of inadequate toilet facilities.

States like Jharkhand and Haryana which held a bad record previously now has shown greatest of improvements in building sanitation infrastructure throughout the city.

In 2008, as many as 10 villages of Haryana have won an esteemed award of Nirmal Gram Pruraskar (a national award for Open defecation free ODF village). A baseline survey by Union ministry of drinking Water and sanitation shows that Haryana has achieved 75% sanitation cover till December 2013.
92.5 % of rural households in Jharkhand still do not have access to toilets, states 2011 census. However, there has been effort to paint the picture anew by taking up sanitation initiatives and the results is that the state stats has went up to 26% in 2013 from a mere 8 % in 2011.

These states brought up their society together to build consensus for good sanitary practices with the help of proper administrative strategies and spreading awareness in the common people. The people when understand the problem can get down to eradicate it from the roots. To change the perception and implement the rationality is the need of the time.  

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Prof. Dinesh Singh : a name of determination (Vishank Singh )

When a teacher changes the fate of a University with his ideas and determination he deserves a word from his students.Writes Vishank Singh

Delhi University is going towards the path of interactive and utilitarian learning since the inception of FYUP in its colleges. With these developments in place it was decided by the government few months ago to honor Prof. Dinesh Singh, Vice Chancellor of DU with the nation’s 4th highest civilian award i.e. Padma Shri. He is the man behind the immense progress of DU since last 3 years. He is the mastermind behind this ground-breaking FYUP and is also the father of Antardhwani- a cultural fest of DU and Cluster Innovation Center. With these initiatives he has given a dissimilar educational environment which has maintained the stature of DU as the topmost University in India.

Prof. Dinesh Singh's determination to raise the standard of
University's education has resulted in the introduction of  FYUP last year.

Photo Credits-

 Mr. Singh who had been a student of DU honestly knows that there is a serious employ-ability problem in DU where students do get degrees but are not equipped with sufficient knowledge or skills that can help them in winning the race of life. This dream of FYUP which is now established as a truth (a well laid policy of DU) aims to increase the employ-ability of the students so that they can stand somewhere with a prosperous life. The goal is to raise a human out of a student so that he can perceive the society and can feel the problem of the nation. This consciousness is the most important thing which is needed in the present day student class. But Mr. Singh’s dream and dedication towards the student class of this university have been doubted by many who are driven by the political motives. I am not so sure of their aims and objectives but still want to say that they are fooling students with their 'Protests and Demonstrations' against this revolutionary setup of FYUP. These Left orientated minds (motivated by their political chiefs) in the university are against this landmark FYUP (or we should say against Prof. Singh) but they should know that we need an education which can earn us bread and butter and not just a bundle of degrees in our hand.

 Left oriented Teachers group from DUTA protesting against FYUP.
These Protests and demonstrations are deviating students from their work
in university.

FYUP introduced in DU a year ago is an initiative in order to create an educational system where knowledge is not concentrated on marks but on intelligence and above all a good human. It is nowhere hidden that what FYUP has given to the learning arena inside the nation is somewhat a directive which should be followed by other Universities in order to improve the structure of nation’s educational institutions. The credit of all this should be bestowed upon Mr. Singh who dreamt this a long time ago. We can hope that Prof. Singh who has served DU with the best of his intellect will make some more contributions so that we can move ahead in the path of attaining knowledge. With this we would like to wish our audacious Vice Chancellor, Padma Shri Dr. Dinesh Singh who has created the university a better place where knowledge is imparted in order to create a good human. 

For our respectful Vice Chancellor and his determination we have something to say;

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अगर तुम लड़ोगे उस चीज़ के लिए जो सही है
हमारा ‘खून’ तुम्हारे साथ हैं
जो लड़ोगे हमारी आबरू के लिए हमारे कल के खातिर
हमारा ‘आज’ तुम्हारे साथ है
अगर कहीं तुम लड़खड़ाने लगोगे
तुम्हे उठाने हमारा हाँथ हैं
हम एक हैं तुम्हारे हर हौसले के
हम तुम्हारे साथ हैं

-Vishank Singh
(Student, University Of Delhi)

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